ruby on rails_我成为了Ruby on Rails和React的贡献者,你也可以
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ruby on rails

I am really grateful to have contributed to a few open source projects, including two I currently use on a regular basis: and .

我非常感谢为一些开源项目做出了贡献,其中包括我目前定期使用的两个项目: 和 。

My contributions are very minor fixes and suggestions, and may not be worthy of much praise, but I want to use this article to inspire you to go and make your own contributions as well.


One of my core values is contribution and helping others. That’s one of the reasons I love to write articles, and also contribute back to the very projects that I have benefitted from over the years.

我的核心价值观之一就是贡献和帮助他人。 这就是我喜欢写文章的原因之一,并且也为我多年来受益的项目做出了贡献。

Although major frameworks that are widely used have gone through tons of reviews and careful analysis over the years, there is always room for improvement or addition. This means that you are not only able to fix bugs, or improve something that is already implemented, but you can also implement new features as well.

尽管多年来广泛使用的主要框架经过了无数次审查和仔细分析,但总有改进或增加的空间。 这意味着您不仅能够修复错误或改进已经实现的功能,而且还可以实现新功能。

为什么要为著名的开源项目做出贡献? (Why contribute to famous open source projects?)

Before explaining how you can contribute to famous open source projects, it is better to cover the reasons why I believe it is very important to participate in such endeavours.


1.您将学到最好的东西 (1. You will learn from the very best)

Famous open source projects like Ruby on Rails, React JS, Spring, etc., have been used by a lot of projects. They have made countless developers’ lives a lot easier.

诸如Ruby on Rails,React JS,Spring等著名的开源项目已被许多项目使用。 它们使无数开发人员的生活变得更加轻松。

Since they are products of many brilliant minds, analyzing their code and trying to make improvements can be a tremendous source of learning.


You will not only better learn the frameworks and libraries that you use, but also some of the best practices and timeless principles that make these projects really great. You can then apply these lessons in your own work as well.

您不仅将更好地学习所使用的框架和库,而且还将使这些项目变得非常出色的一些最佳实践和永恒的原则。 然后,您也可以在自己的工作中应用这些课程。

By trying to do contributions, you are more likely to learn a framework better, in comparison to someone who only uses it. In a , 86% of technology professionals said that open source had helped them in their careers.

通过尝试做出贡献,与仅使用框架的人相比,您更有可能更好地学习框架。 在 ( 于 ,有86%的技术专业人员表示开源对他们的职业生涯有所帮助。

2.您可以产生重大影响 (2. You can have a major impact)

If you have been working on small projects that have not had much attention, then contributing to famous open source projects can give you the opportunity to have a larger impact.


By making such contributions, you are potentially going to have a major impact with the work that you do, which can be a very fulfilling experience. No matter how small your contributions are, you are also going to have a feeling of significance, simply because you know that your work has made that project that you love a little better.

通过做出这样的贡献,您将可能对您所做的工作产生重大影响,这将是一次非常充实的体验。 不管您的贡献有多小,您都会有一种重要的感觉,仅仅是因为您知道自己的工作使您所钟爱的项目变得更好了。

3.您可以提高声望 (3. You can boost your reputation)

If you go to the list of contributors to your famous open source projects, you may spot a common pattern. Top contributors are usually developers that are working for big companies, or on large projects.

如果转到著名的开源项目的贡献者列表,则可能会发现一个常见的模式。 杰出贡献者通常是为大公司或大型项目工作的开发人员。

As a result, making important contributions to such projects can be difficult, simply because these developers may have already finished implementing a particular feature really well. This means that entering into that list represents a noticeable demonstration of your skills for a recruiter that is looking for a new developer.

结果,仅因为这些开发人员可能已经非常好地完成了特定功能,就很难为这些项目做出重要贡献。 这意味着进入该列表代表了正在寻找新开发人员的招聘人员对您的技能的明显展示。

This also means that you are also more likely to receive better job offers, or higher consulting session rates. Companies are always looking to hire bright and skilled developers that are experienced on open source projects, and there are only few better ways to demonstrate your knowledge about a framework than to actually write some of the code for that project.

这也意味着您也更有可能获得更好的工作机会或更高的咨询率。 公司一直在寻求聘请在开放源代码项目上经验丰富的才华横溢的开发人员,并且除了为该项目实际编写一些代码外,没有什么更好的方法来展示您对框架的了解。

您如何为著名的开源项目做出贡献? (How can you contribute to famous open source projects?)

Now that we have mentioned three major reasons why I believe it is worth contributing to famous open source projects, let’s see how you can do that.


1.了解事情如何运作 (1. Understand how things work)

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it also helped Taylor Wilson the 32nd person in human history to achieve nuclear fusion… at the age of 14.


Similarly, if you want to contribute to famous open source projects, you have to understand how things work behind the scenes. You need to learn from books. You have to be curious to understand the implementations of a particular function, or how routes invoke a particular controller. This way, you may also be able to spot strange things that you can improve, or implement a more efficient method for a particular task.

同样,如果您想为著名的开源项目做出贡献,则必须了解事物在幕后的运作方式。 您需要学习书籍。 您必须好奇了解特定功能的实现或路由如何调用特定控制器。 这样,您还可以发现可以改进的奇特事物,或者为特定任务实施更有效的方法。

The more you understand a framework, the more you tend to like using it in your projects, .

您对框架的了解越多,就越倾向于在项目中使用它, 。

2.检查报告的问题 (2. Check the reported issues)

Issues may represent bugs, concerns, or simply suggestions that other people have noticed or that want to express regarding a project. They also represent a great source of contribution ideas that you may use as inspiration.

问题可能代表其他人已经注意到或想要表达的关于项目的错误,担忧或简单建议。 它们也代表了很多可以用作启发的贡献思想来源。

Look at the issues of a project that you can to contribute to, and make an assessment whether you can contribute to them or not.


Although some issues may seem very difficult at first, you should not be afraid to try fixing a bug, or implementing a new feature in that framework. You can also use it as a way for you to learn new things, expand your current limits and go out of your comfort zone.

尽管起初有些问题似乎很困难,但是您不应该害怕尝试修复错误或在该框架中实现新功能。 您还可以将其用作学习新事物,扩大当前限制并走出舒适区的一种方式。

You can also ask questions for more clarity about the issues, and contribute with your answers to other people’s questions.


3.不要忽略小事 (3. Do not ignore small things)

You may suppose that famous open source projects have very few opportunities left to contribute to, so maybe you tend to give up on the idea about contributing.


Even though that’s not the case, there are some frequently neglected responsibilities that you can take when it comes to open source projects. Aside from code, projects also need writers to help with documentation, translators to convert locale files into other languages, and also designers to make interfaces more intuitive and attractive.

即使不是这种情况,在开源项目中您也可以承担一些经常被忽视的责任。 除代码外,项目还需要编写者提供文档帮助,翻译人员将语言环境文件转换为其他语言,还需要设计人员使界面更加直观和吸引人。

You do not have to write the whole documentation, or translate everything into another language. You can simply start something you believe is worth being included, and then also ask for help for the improvement, or simply push your minor changes and ask for feedback by project maintainers.

您不必编写整个文档,也不必将所有内容翻译成另一种语言。 您可以简单地开始您认为值得包括的内容,然后寻求帮助以进行改进,或者简单地进行小的更改并寻求项目维护者的反馈。

You can also contribute by writing tests, or fix the ones that are already failing, or create new issues about bugs, and also answer the questions that people have asked on existing issues.


There is also another indirect way that you can contribute to open source projects.


That is by sending greeting letters to maintainers and thanking them for their time and the work that they are doing. Most of them contribute to open source on a volunteer basis, so thanking them can make them aware of the importance of their contributions. This way, you are making them feel better about their efforts, and also inspire them to continue with their contributions.

通过向维护者发送问候信,并感谢他们的时间和他们所做的工作。 他们中的大多数人都是在自愿的基础上为开源做出贡献的,因此感谢他们可以使他们意识到自己的贡献的重要性。 这样,您可以使他们对自己的工作感觉更好,并激励他们继续做出自己的贡献。

结论 (Conclusion)

Contributing to famous open source projects is something that anyone can do.


The key is to be patient, as it may take some time until you find something that you want to contribute. You should also have fun and enjoy the process. After all, this is why Linus Torvalds titled his book “Just for Fun”, in which he describes the story of how he created Linux.

关键是要有耐心,因为您可能需要一些时间才能找到自己想贡献的东西。 您还应该玩得开心,享受这一过程。 毕竟,这就是为什么Linus Torvalds将他的书命名为“ Just for Fun”的原因,其中他描述了他如何创建Linux的故事。

I am a Passionate Software Engineer, currently serving as a Team Lead Developer for a group of enthusiastic developers that specialize in developing web and mobile applications, mostly using Ruby on Rails and React JS.

我是一名热情的软件工程师,目前是一群热心的开发人员的团队负责人,这些开发人员专门开发Web和移动应用程序,主要使用Ruby on Rails和React JS。

I am an and also a .

我既是 ,也是 。

I am currently looking for a remote job. Please with new opportunities.

我目前正在寻找远程工作。 请以获得新的机会。


ruby on rails


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